Thursday, August 20, 2009

Backtracking Just a Bit!

I am going to back track just a couple weeks. I have some pictures I wanted to share from the last few weeks before we started back to school. Ian has learned some new things this summer! First, he has learned how to swim and was actually confident enough to jump off the diving board alone! He was very proud about that. Not long after, I had been out one day, and when I got back home, he had something else to show me!! He had asked Randy to take the training wheels off his bike! Now look at what he can do! I am trying to figure out what has happened to my baby, so if anyone has any info for me, please let me know!!

I know!! More pictures of Jacey but she is so adorable, I just can't help myself!

Baby toes!

Big baby blues!

I love her expression here, she was watching Yo Gabba Gabba!

They love each other so much!

Hello world!


Ian grabbed my camera and was taking some self portraits. We were laughing so hard at him taking these, that I had tears running down my face! Look at these gorgeous eyes though!!
Another self picture!

Alison, this one's for you! You just can't understand these eyes until you see them in person and they just melt your heart! Just ask Alison!

Kristen has been teaching herself how to french braid. She has been practicing on me and I think she is doing really great! This was one of her first attempts!

This is just a random picture taken by Ian, but I thought I would share it just because it is kind of neat and it shows a little bit of him...his hot wheels car and his blanket!

Ian also took this one!

More Jacey cuteness!


Now some of Kristen's photography!

I love this picture!! She is really showing an eye for photography I think!

Our neighbor has banana trees and they have baby bananas!

Momo Monkey swinging on the fence!

A self picture by Kristen!

Ian enjoying some grapes one night!

Momo too!

Like I said, these are from the last weeks of summer, but I didn't want to miss out on sharing them! More summer end pictures coming!


Rhonda said...

WTG Ian on riding that bike without training wheels. That is amazing! I love that little pink and brown outfit Jacey has on. Those colors are so cute together. She is such a doll, and those toes! How I love baby toes! All of your kids have the most beautiful eyes, Chandra. Every last one of them! Great job on French braiding Kristen. I still can't do it! Those photos that she took are very nice also. She definitely has an eye for photography. I totally agree. :0) Thank you so much for sharing these hon. They were wonderful!

Alison said...

Oh man.. I need to see those eyes..and tell K to get good by April..I expect a french braid do!

Tisha said...

Great pics! Your babies all have beautiful eyes. :) I love those self portraits. I'm always so excited when the boys take the camera and take pictures. Kristen takes lovely photos! Thanks for sharing these. :)