Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fossil Experiment.

I mentioned a couple posts back that Momo had done a fun experiment in science.  She was to make a fossil using different types of soil to see which one made the best fossil.  Aaron and Ian helped her with this one. 
Here is Momo out collecting her soil samples.
Samples of clay, sand and rich dark soil.
Ian was supervising.
Preparing to mix the plaster.

Look closely, Maggie and Milo wanted in on the fun!
Using a shell to make impressions in the dirt samples.
Pouring the plaster into the "molds"
All done and now it was time to let the plaster harden. 
Unfortunately, I haven't taken pictures of the final results.  I will try to do that soon, but I won't promise.  They came out great though!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I remember making fossils with Lindsay. So much fun. I love seeing Milo and Maggie in the window. Just too cute!