Ian was working on the letter "A", the number "1" and the color red this week! That went perfectly with the apple theme!
He was picking the "A's" from several cards. Each time I would add more extra letters in for him to choose from! I couldn't trick him!
Momo did a writing assignment on why or why not she liked apples.
Here Ian was to circle all the letter "A's".
Aaron working on his history.
Here is Momo's writing.
Ian played his HOP games.
Kristen was working on a map activity for history.
Morgan completed the first chapter in science. She is doing a lapbook/notebook for this so here she was working on putting all the mini books onto the pages for this unit.
We are really enjoying her science curriculum this year.
She finished up the unit with another experiment about currents. This time she was learning about deep ocean currents and how temperature effects the currents.
This was another apple activity. I found this apple garland with I pulled apart. The first thing we did was some counting and math with the apples.
Here I had asked Morgan to show me a model for the equation 4X4.
Next, we made a chart and guessed how many apples tall all of us are. Then we measured to see how close our guesses were.
Even Maggie got in on this one!
It was time for apple tasting after that! We had 5 different types of apples to try.
We first cut the apple to see the star in the middle. We also made guesses as to how many seeds were in the apples and discusses whether or not all apples had the same number of seeds.
We discovered we all liked the organic Gala apples, red delicious and granny smith apples. We really did not like the Fuji and Golden Delicious types. We also found out the apples all had a different number of seeds.
Here is our chart for the apple height activity!
After tasting apples. Morgan and Ian made some apple print paintings!
Ian played color and shape bingo....
Morgan studied for a history test......
Aaron took a few minutes to play with Ian.
Ian played with shaving cream. He practiced writing letter A and also his name.
He put a puzzle together.....
Don't' mind the laundry.....Morgan and I working on another writing assignment.
Ian's finished puzzle!
Momo has been learing how to write a rough draft, then proof read, revise and then rewrite. She was to write instructions for playing a game using time order words. Here is her rough copy, after she proofed it.

And here is her final writing.

She was proud of her work!

She played a file folder game, learning about synonyms and antamyms.

Ian playing an alphabet folder game.

Morgan painted a wooden flower to match her new room we are working on!

Her flower all done....purple side....

Their complete workbox strips! The white cards have things such as calendar time for Ian, breaks, snacks, bike rides, outside time, ect.

Momo working on a multiplication folder game.

Calendar time.....

Getting started on his boxes for the day.

Another puzzle!

Ian played with playdough while Momo worked on a puzzle of the USA.

Working together...

All done!

We had another apple snack. Apple slices with cheese, toast with apple butter and apple juice! They loved it and have requested this snack again!

Ian finger painted....

and more folder games....this one patterning...

Thursday night was my high school girls' small group meeting. Kristen made cupcakes for us. I guess she thought Heather needed some frosting too!

Well, all of this and we also had co-op, Tai Kwon Do, church activities, small groups, playing outside, playing golf, painting, running errands, laundry, cleaning and more!! Needless to say....this is why it takes me a while to get the blog updated!! We are still here though and just having tons of fun and learning!
And here is her final writing.
She was proud of her work!
She played a file folder game, learning about synonyms and antamyms.
Ian playing an alphabet folder game.
Morgan painted a wooden flower to match her new room we are working on!
Her flower all done....purple side....
Their complete workbox strips! The white cards have things such as calendar time for Ian, breaks, snacks, bike rides, outside time, ect.
Momo working on a multiplication folder game.
Calendar time.....
Getting started on his boxes for the day.
Another puzzle!
Kristen hard at work....
Ian played with playdough while Momo worked on a puzzle of the USA.
Working together...
All done!
We had another apple snack. Apple slices with cheese, toast with apple butter and apple juice! They loved it and have requested this snack again!
Ian finger painted....
and more folder games....this one patterning...
Thursday night was my high school girls' small group meeting. Kristen made cupcakes for us. I guess she thought Heather needed some frosting too!
Well, all of this and we also had co-op, Tai Kwon Do, church activities, small groups, playing outside, playing golf, painting, running errands, laundry, cleaning and more!! Needless to say....this is why it takes me a while to get the blog updated!! We are still here though and just having tons of fun and learning!