Friday, September 25, 2009

A Couple Days with Jacey!

Again, I apologize, these pictures are in reverse order. We babysat Jacey one day a couple weeks ago. She is just growing so fast and gets sweeter and sweeter...if that is possible. The weather was really nice that evening so we all sat outside and enjoyed it! Kristen, taking a self picture..


Silly face Ian!

I believe this was Ian playing with the camera!

Now Momo's photography!

Ian and Papa!

Ian's photography again....

I love this baby girl!!!

My heart!

Jacey KISSES!!

Look at these eyes.....

Uncle Randy is silly!

I don't think Jacey liked the grass very much......too cute though!

She didn't scream at first though.....

Here is Luigi...

How cute is this? Jacey loves the froggies!! I think she needs some of her own!

Eating Piggies!

She just has too much cuteness not to share!!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

She is so adorable. That grass photo cracked me up. LOL! Poor little girl.