Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blog Awards!!

I was given two blog awards yesterday by my friend, Alison at Wayzley Academy. I feel so special!

Both require me to nominate 10 blogs.. so I am going to nominate each of the 10 for both awards..

The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers who’s positivity and creativity inspires others in the blogword.

The Lemonade Stand Award is awarded for being a blogger who shows great attitude and gratitude.

The rules for accepting this award:

- Put the logo on your blog or within your post.

- Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude.( the Lemonade Stand one) or ten bloggers who inspire me

- Link the nominees within your post.

- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

Here are the people I am sending the awards to. I don't have a lot of blogs that I read so I am not sure if I can come up with 10 but I will try! ( Some will be the same ones that Alison awarded as well)

1) Chelita at Shady Bayou Academy. Although I have never met her in person, I feel such a special connection with her.

2)Sadie from The Ugly Gray House. I have "known" Sadie for several years now and I just love to read her blog. She is so inspiring with her crafty and witty ways!

3)Rhonda at Alston Academy. She is just such a sweetheart and I just enjoy seeing her days homeschooling her three girls.

4)Emily from Lift Up Your Hearts. I appreciate Emily's honesty and the fact that she is such a tell it like it is type of person. She is just so genuine and doesn't try to pretend to be something she is not.

5) Sherri from Our Place. I love seeing how Sherri isn't afraid to get right in the middle of the fun her her kids.

6)Alison at Wayzley Academy. I am passing these awards right back to ya girl! I appreciate our friendship and also the fact that you don't always try to sugarcoat things and you just say what you feel!

7)Dani from The (not so) Amazing Adventures of Supermom. Dani is such a fun mama and is always putting others above herself. I think she is just amazing.

8)Jenn at Our Many Beautiful Blessings. I haven't known Jenn for a long time but the time that I have I have really enjoyed. She is a great mama and she loves the Lord and isn't afraid to share Him!

9) Tisha from Sowing Good Seeds. Another great mama. One of my fellow southern homeschooling mamas!

10)Jenn from The Suchniak Six. I love going to Jenn's blog to see all of her amazing pictures and the fun times she has with her family.



Rhonda said...

Please visit my blog. I have left you two awards. ♥

~Jenn~ said...

Thank you so very much for the lovely award! Looks to me like you got nominated for more than one!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Thankyou, Chandra! You are such a sweet and dear person in my heart.